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Whether it is for camping or backup power, inverter generators provide the energy you need without the noise that a regular generator makes. An inverter generator comes at a premium, but you get more value out of your money and spare your ears as well. Read on to find out why inverter generators are quieter than regular generators and what its other benefits are.
Inverter generators are made of insulated materials which minimize the sound produced by the engine. These generators also adjust their output to match the requirements, so the lighter the load, the quieter it runs. In contrast, a traditional generator runs at a fixed output.
Why Inverter Generators are Quieter than Generators
An inverter generator convert DC (direct current) into AC (alternating current). You can use the inverter with a battery like the the Weize 100ah, solar panels or other devices that produce direct current. Since most appliances run on AC, you need an inverter to convert DC to AC. After the conversion, the electricity is transmitted to the appliance.
So how does this make inverter generators quieter than a standard generator? It is all about the design of the machine itself.
There are three reasons why inverter generators produce less noise. The engine size, the casing and output variability.
A smaller engine. Inverter generators like the Westinghouse iGEN4500 have a compact engine compared to a regular power generator. While generators have the same purpose, the size makes a significant difference. The smaller the engine, the less sound generated.
All generators produce noise, but the level is determined partly by the engine design. Inverter generators are compact so it generates less noise but without sacrificing power output.
Output variability. Inverter generators can adjust their output depending on the load. The lower the load the quieter it runs. A 4000W inverter generator with a load of only 2000 watts is going to be quieter compared to one that is running at a full 4000 watts.
Inverter generators can sense the required energy output, increasing and decreasing as necessary. So if you never run your generator at full power, its noise level will be lower.
Insulated casing. Today’s inverter generators are made from insulated materials. The materials used varies by manufacturer, and many of them have proprietary parts used for these casings.
What they all share in common is the ability to muffle the engine sound. Because inverter generators are smaller than standard generators, it is easier to create insulation material for its engine.

Inverter Generator vs. Generator Noise Comparison
A typical inverter generator is rated at 58-62 decibels running at full power. For comparison, normal conversation is at 60. In contrast, regular generators run at 80-100 decibels. No matter how much load a standard generator carries, its noise level is always high.
To illustrate, 80 decibels is the sound of high traffic. Imagine that you are camping and the generator is running at 100 decibels. You will not be able to hear the birds and the other sounds of nature. You will only notice the generator running, drowning out your conversations as well.
Now compare that with an inverter generator. At full power most of them are at 62 decibels or so. That is right around human conversation level. It will not disturb you or anyone around you. And that 62 decibels assumes you are running at full power. If you only use a little bit of electricity, the noise level will be even lower.
What Causes Generators to Produce Sound?
All generators – inverter and standard- rely on an engine to run. It is this engine that produces the noise. The difference is that inverters have a smaller engine, can vary its output and has superior insulation. This is what allows it to run with little noise.
In terms of the actual operation, generators run in a similar way. The engine runs on fuel, which is transmitted to the pistons. This triggers the alternator and generates power in the generator. As fuel burns, it produces explosions which are the sounds you hear from a generator.
To keep running, the engine has to keep burning fuel. Its moving components also contribute to the sound we hear. As explained earlier, an inverter generator has a smaller motor so it produces less noise.
Modern inverter generators produce hundreds of sine waves each time its engine rotates. Its ability to convert DC to AC and AC to DC and back ensures the power output is consistent. There are no power surges to worry about. And that is a good thing since surges damage appliances.
Add noise reduction properties described earlier, it is easy to see why these inverter generators make less noise. Regular generators cannot reduce the noise they produce, at least not as much as an inverter generator can.
Are Inverter Generators More Efficient?
All right, so inverter generators are quieter than a generator. But does it offer any other bandits? Yes it dos offer a lot more.
Of course the noise reduction is sufficient for some already. If you have a generator you know how irritating that is. Just having a unit in the 58-60 decibel range is more than enough for most. But inverter generators can and do offer a lot more.
The biggest benefit is efficiency. These generators ensure that power is produced at the optimum level as is required. The output changes depending on how much power is needed, so nothing wasted her.
If you need more power, there are large inverter generators available. There a 5000W, 250 lb. 220v units designed to be a backup power source. They are equipped with transfer switches so there is no need to connect each electronic device or appliance.
Not everyone needs a 250 lb. generator of course. There are 60-80 lb. models available too. The biggest advantage of all this is they all have variable output capability to muffle the sound. Add the fact that thir casing has better sound reduction, it is easy to s why these are quieter.
Since you can connect an inverter to a solar power system, you can run home appliances. Make sure the solar panel and battery are at the right distance from each other and then you can connect your inverter to them.
Related Questions
Is there a way to make a regular generator as quiet as an inverter generator?
No, current technology does not allow that yet. While traditional generators have taken steps to reduce noise, it is still way louder than an inverter generator. It comes down to the size and the design as regular generators do not have the capacity to minimize sound.
Why is my inverter generator making a lot of noise?
It could be running at full power. Even then, it should not be as loud as a regular generator. If it is, try reducing the power load. If the noise is still loud, the inverter might need some maintenance or repair.
Can an inverter generator run all appliances?
An inverter generator can run any electronic device if there is sufficient power left. A 2000W inverter generator can load a maximum of 2000 watts. Anything over that and the unit will shut down. The higher the load, the more the engine works and the more noise is produced.
Does inverter generator size affect noise level?
The larger the inverter generator, the louder it can potentially get. But it depends on how much power it is generating. A large generator with a small load is going to be quieter than a smaller one running at maximum capacity.
Can you repair inverter generators?
If the generator appears damaged and still under warranty, have an expert look into it. The last thing you want is to tinker with the system, void the warranty and make things worse. If the warranty has expired and you are knowledgeable with inverter generators, you can try and fix it. Otherwise, it is best to let a professional look into it.

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